Sewer Cleanout Installation in West Town
If you’re experiencing sewer line problems and don’t know where to turn, Rescue Plumbing is here to help! We just completed a sewer cleanout installation in West Town, Chicago.
We have years of experience when it comes to sewer repair and can help get your system back up and running in no time. Stay tuned for details about the cleanout installation in West Town as well as helpful plumbing tips from the experts at Rescue Plumbing!
Signs You’re In Need of Sewer Line Repair
Sewer lines are one of the most important parts of your home’s plumbing system. They carry all of the wastewater from your home and deposit it into the municipal sewer system. Without functioning sewer lines, your home would quickly become uninhabitable.

These are a few key signs that you’re in need of sewer line repair:
Water Accumulation
You’ve noticed puddles of water in your yard, particularly near your sewer cleanout. This could be a sign that your sewer line is cracked or broken and needs to be repaired.
If you notice any soggy spots in your yard, it could be a sign that sewage is leaking from the sewer line. This can be a serious health hazard, so it’s important to have it repaired as soon as possible.
Water Backup
Water backing up into your toilet or drains is another sign of possible sewer repair problems. This can be caused by a blockage in the sewer line or a problem with the septic tank or septic system.

Slow Drains
If you’ve noticed that your drains are draining more slowly than usual, it could be a sign of a sewer line clog. Grease, hair, and other debris can build up in the sewer line and cause a clog.
Sewage Backup
Sewer backups are when sewage comes up through the drain lines. This can be caused by a blockage or damage to the sewer line that is preventing waste removal.
Loud Noise
If you notice your sinks or tubs are gurgling when you run the water, it could be a sign of sewer line repair. This noise is caused by air bubbles in the sewer line, which is usually a sign of a blockage.
Bad Smell
If you’ve noticed an unpleasant smell coming from your yard or basement, it could also be a sign of a sewer line problem. This is usually caused by sewage leaking from the sewer line.
What to Do If You’re Experiencing Sewer Problems
Sewer line repair is a serious matter. If you’re experiencing any of the above signs, it’s important to call only a plumbing and sewer professionals to handle the issue.
At Rescue Plumbing, we have years of experience when it comes to sewer line repair and sewer cleanout installation. We will quickly identify the problem and have your sewer line operational again in no time.

But before one of our experts from Rescue Plumbing arrives, there are a few things you can do to help the process:
- If you have a floor drain, make sure it’s not covered by anything so our plumbers can easily access it.
- Refrain from using your plumbing systems. This includes sinks, toilets, showers
- Turn off any water sources in your home. This includes the water heater, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.
- Locate your sewer clean-out. This is usually a white or black plastic cap covering that is located in the front yard along the sewer line. (These can be difficult to find, they are usually located between the septic tank and the property or by the nearest manhole.)
What is a Sewer Cleanout?
A sewer clean-out is a pipe that provides an easy access point to your main sewerage line to reach clogs. It is usually located near the street or septic tank and where the sewage line passes through the property into the ground.
It can either be an indoor or outdoor drain cleanout, in Chicago, we mainly install outdoor drain cleanouts. The difference between these two clean-outs is indoor drain cleanouts located inside the home, while an outdoor sewer clean-out is located outside.
Usually, an outdoor drain cleanout located in colder climates, while an indoor drain cleanout located in warmer climates.
The main purpose of a cleanout is to allow a direct access point to your sewer line without having to dig up your yard.

Here are the three main sewer clean-outs we provide at Rescue Plumbing:
Single Cleanout
A single cleanout is the most common type of sewer clean-out. It is a vertical pipe with a cap that leads to your sewer line. It is usually located in the front yard near the street or sidewalk.
Double Cleanout
A double drain clean-outs are two pipes that are connected together and lead to your sewer line. Y-shaped pipe fitting are used to guide the direction of the drain cleaning machine. It is usually located in the front yard within five feet of the foundation wall of the property.
Front Yard Cleanout
A yard cleanout is a pipe that leads from your lateral sewer line to the municipal sewer line.
It is usually located in the backyard near the property line.
Test-Tee Cleanout
A test-tee cleanout is a T-shaped pipe fitting that allows access to the vertical pipe on the main waste stack. It is usually located in the basement.
At Rescue Plumbing, we provide all types of sewer cleanouts and we will figure out which cleanout is best for your home! Give us a call today at (773) 799-8848!
Benefits of Installing a Cleanout
Drain cleanouts are not in every home, but they really should be! Not only should they be in every home, but having the proper amount of cleanouts for your home is essential. Here at Rescue Plumbing not only will we install your new drain cleanout, but we will also install any extra clean-outs that are needed.

There are many benefits of installing a drain cleanout, some of which include:
- Preventing sewer backups in drainage pipes
- Allowing direct access to the sewer line for cleaning and repairs
- Reducing the need to dig up your yard to access the sewer line
- Providing an early warning sign of sewer line problems
Do not hesitate to call us at (773) 799-8848 if you need a drain cleanout installation for your main sewage line.
Main Sewer Line Issue in West Town Neighborhood
Chicago’s West Town is a neighborhood that offers more to us than just plumbing repairs, you can find modern art in the Ukrainian Institute as well as tons of activities and food.
West Town is a community area with portions of other neighborhoods in it such as Humboldt Park, River West, Noble Square, East Village, Eckhart Park, and even parts of Ukrainian Village.

Our plumbers are familiar with the Chicago area and the neighboring suburbs, and the West Town area is no exception! You may have seen one of our fully-stocked trucks driving down Milwaukee Avenue or North Avenue.
We were nearby and ready to help when a West Town property owner found themselves in a plumbing emergency!
Plumbing Problem
We received a call from the owner of a condominium complex, that had an ongoing service to their kitchen lines. They had three catch basins pumped and hydro-jetted all main kitchen lines.
But even with all the work done the units on the lower floors had flooded.
Diagnosis of the Issue
We found that the lower floors had flooded due to no maintenance to the drainage pipes for the kitchen lines. On top of this, we located only one cleanout for the main sewer line inside of a basement apartment unit. Which meant whenever the main line needed to be serviced you had to enter someone’s home!
Main Sewer Line Repair
We serviced the drainage pipes and cleared any clogs we found. But we wanted to be proactive and clear up all issues found. We installed an exterior point of access for the main sewage line. We also repaired copper drainage lines for the kitchen line to prevent any future floods. Drain pipes are essential in filtering wastewater out of your home.

Let Us Rescue You!
We are ready to take on any sewer problem today! We have tons of experience repairing sewers in Chicago, and we are ready to save your plumbing systems today! Don’t wait! Rescue Plumbing provides 24 hour plumbing and sewer services. We offer free estimates Monday – Saturday 9 am – 5 pm, give us a call today at (773) 799-8848!

Adrianna Hampton
Adrianna Hampton is part of the Content Marketing team at Rescue Marketing. Her goal is to help small businesses grow in their own way – to give them an opportunity to be heard.